First six months

Your first six months

Your journey in the Council is only just beginning

Your induction period may be drawing to a close, but you will continue to grow and develop in your role throughout your time with us. We want to create a superb service across all departments, and you will play a key role in helping us get there.

Remember, no matter where you work, you are part of something much, much bigger – the mechanism that helps the entire Borough run smoothly.

Probation meetings held 1st, 3rd and 5th months. These are designed as an opportunity for you to sit down with your manager to discuss how your skills will be used in your new role and how you can develop those skills.

Managers responsibilities

  • Allocate time to discuss employee's development and 3rd and 5th month probation period
  • Provide development opportunities
  • Arrange employee to attend the Corporate Welcome Session which is held every 6 months and provides an opportunity for you to meet old and new staff from different areas of the council and also learn about hot topics relating to Maidstone from our Chief Executive team
  • During a regular one to one access the learning & development calendar to help support an Action Plan or Development Plan
  • Introduce and explain Health & Safety risk assessments and identify what employee needs to complete
  • Arrange a date to meet your director

Your responsibilities

Ensure you visit the intranet to read relevant policies and complete your Elms learning:

  • Introduction to Health and Safety
  • Fire Safety
  • Driving Safety
  • Manual Handling
  • Office safety
  • Personal Safety
  • Display Screen Equipment
  • Safeguarding Children
  • Safeguarding Adults
  • Prevent
  • Equality Act 2010

Some of these policies may only be available on your first day.

Top tips

Bringing In New Ideas


Make your creativity, problem-solving skills and your strategic thinking skills known like suggesting methods of how to optimize certain processes, or sharing best practices from your experience with your new team – but it is much more helpful to support your claims with facts and studies.


  • Useless comparisons to your old company
  • Trying to restructure the entire organisation within your first week.
  • Criticizing during your first 100 days at your new job
  • Imposing any large changes until you’re properly acclimated in the new company

Avoid Taking On “Too Much Too Soon”


You’re talented, you got the job but regardless, you should still remain humble. It’s much more impressive to hold back from mentioning your countless skills and strengths – it’s preferable to show what you’ve got, rather than bragging uselessly. Patting oneself on the back never comes across very well. Just because you beat out the competition [for this position] doesn’t mean that you have no weaknesses.

After the first week with the Council, you should already have a good overview – you’ve probably developed a solid routine. You’re highly motivated, and you want to show it. Think long and hard about which additional projects you can afford to take on, before you overextend yourself and cannot take care of your regular daily duties. When you’re positive that you have the capacity to take on this new project, wonderful. If not, you should wait until you’ve mastered your first 100 days at your new job.

It takes time to understand the requirements of your new role and how that fits in with your department's vision and priorities. In most organisations three to six months will be a sensible time to aim for.

Focus on one project in detail


This will help you make a contribution at an early stage and gain an insight into detailed operational issues.

Communicate your ideas, views and concerns effectively and respectfully, actively participating in exchanges of ideas with others. Always seek clarification and direction when uncertain or confused.

Getting to know the bigger picture


Wherever you work, you will benefit from understanding more about the organisation you are part of. This will help you get a better sense of where you fit in and to understand some of the nuances and ambiguities which are unique to the organisation.

It should make it easier to do your job if you have a clear idea of the objectives, interests and preferences of the most senior people in your organisation.

Major developments


Find out about the latest major developments in the Public Sector. Even if these are not directly relevant to your job, understanding the direction, ambition and challenges of the Public Sector will help you understand and maintain the wider perspective.

Keep up-to-date with local and national News, explore GOV.UK, read publications, and visit the LGA website.