Communities, Housing and Environment Committee




Annual Report of the Chairman of the Communities Housing and Environment Committee 2018/19


Report Author

Councillor Derek Mortimer


This report makes the following recommendations to Communities, Housing and Environment Committee:


That the report be noted.



The list below is a brief summary of items our Committee has considered over the last year and I would like to thank all Members, Substitutes and Officers for their time and support.  I hope the decisions we have made will have a positive impact for our residents and have gone some way towards improving the lives of all our residents across the Borough.  Although money is still in tight supply, I feel we as a Committee have achieved a balanced and fair approach to some difficult decisions.


As you are aware some items continue to progress, but I am particularly pleased that there has been a significant reduction in our rough sleeper numbers.  Our homeless preventions have greatly increased, and we have made positive moves into providing and building our own residential accommodation.


The work continues, and I have certainly learned a lot representing the Committee externally on the KCC Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Kent Flood Risk Group, Kent Resource Partnership and Maidstone Health and Wellbeing Board.


Outside Bodies, representations and appointments

Budget Monitoring and Key Performance Indicators

Heather House and its future

Feasibility study to address poor air quality

Pets in Temporary Accommodation

Waste and Recycling Strategy 2018-2023

Community Toilet Scheme and provision within the town

New Strategic Plan

Environmental Health Annual Report

Rough Sleeping Initiatives and Strategy

Maidstone Housing Delivery Partnership

Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy 2019-2021

Fees and Charges Update

Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Review

Access to the Councils Services for Disabled People

Safeguarding Policy Review

Waste Crime

Temporary Accommodation Homeless Reviews


Crime and Disorder Committee

Community Safety Partnership Plan Update

Public Spaces Protection Order

Community Safety Plan

Low Level Nuisance Crime

Strategic Assessment Plan


Cllr Derek Mortimer

Chairman of the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee