28 JANUARY 2019


Mrs Bal Sandher, the Head of HR Shared Services presented a report on the Pay Policy Statement for the Committee to consider and recommend to Council.

In response to comments from Members, Mrs Sandher undertook to:-

·         Amend the last sentence on Page 2 of the Statement to “In 2013 the council moved the lowest pay band in line with the National Living Wage giving a significant increase to the low paid, the council has continued to pay the National Living Wage since this point”.

·         Review the option of less costly pension arrangements for the Council and to report the options back to the Employment Committee.

In response to comments from Members, Mrs Sandher responded that:-

·         In areas where recruitment difficulties had been experienced such as in Planning, market supplements had been introduced.

·         The Council compared pay rates against the epay check produced by South East Employers.



1)      Subject to the amendment set out above, the Committee Recommend to Council that the proposed Pay Policy Statement, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved prior to publication on the Council’s web site. 

2)      The Head of HR Services be requested to review the current pension arrangements and report the options back to the Employment Committee.

Voting:  Unanimous