Item 14, Page 20                                          The Chances, Lughourse Lane, Hunton, Kent                  




Reference number: 16/505113


Amendments to the committee report


Para 12.4 amended: No objections have been raised by KCC and the landscape officer on the grounds that that there would not be any impact on the ancient woodland to the south of the site. 

Additional conditions


This is a Section 73 application and the effect is the grant of a fresh planning permission.  Where necessary the conditions from the parent permission need to be included on the new decision notice. 


Add the following conditions


1.    The site shall not be used as a caravan site by any persons other than gypsies or Travellers and their family and/or dependants, as defined in Annex 1 of the Planning Policy for Traveller Sites 2015;


Reason: The site is in an area where the stationing of caravans/mobile homes is not normally permitted and an exception has been made to provide accommodation solely for gypsies who satisfy these requirements for Gypsy and Traveller Caravan Sites. 


2.    No commercial or business activities shall take place on the land;


Reason: To prevent inappropriate development and safeguard the amenity, character and appearance of the countryside.


3.    All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the landscaping details approved within application 16/505423/SUB shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the date of the approval; and any trees or plants which within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation;


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory setting and external appearance to the development. 


4.    The details of bird and bat boxes approved within application 16/505423/SUB shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and maintained thereafter.


Reason: in the interests of ecology. 


5.    No external lighting shall be erected on the site at any time unless previously agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority;


Reason: To safeguard the character and appearance of the area and to prevent light pollution in accordance with policies ENV28 and ENV49 of the Maidstone Borough-Wide Local Plan (2000).



Recommendation remains unchanged.