Item 12, Page 1                                                                      Twyford Boat Yard, Hampstead Lane, Yalding, Kent



Reference number: 12/0768


Members are advised there are currently two mobile homes on the site being the mobile home the subject of this application and another mobile home abutting this unit and now being used for storage.


The mobile home being used for storage was the subject of the lawful development certificate referred in the Committee report and brings with it a commitment for one mobile home only to be stationed on the site.


If Members see fit to allow the mobile home the subject of this application to remain the mobile home currently being used for storage should therefore be removed to ensure that only one mobile home remains.


Amended recommendation:


Within 3 months from the date of this consent the existing mobile being used for storage and sited to the north west of the mobile home the subject of this application shall be removed from the site.


Reason: In the interests of visual amenity.