Amended recommendation 4:


To agree that the Public Art Policy be presented to Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transport Committee to adopt as a Material Consideration for Planning purposes, and that authority be delegated to the Head of Commercial and Economic Development, in consultation with the Chairman of Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee and the Chairman of Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee, to insert a section into the Policy setting out the basis for Material Consideration.



Changes to Appendix 3 -Street Furniture Guidelines (SFG), agenda page 70



Street Furniture - Guidance


·                Page 72 (SFG page 3)


Insert new paragraph 2:


Maidstone Town Centre has adopted different colours for street furniture depending on the zone. Water based paint in dark blue RAL 5011 and gold should be used as a standard across the town centre with the exception of a standard black & gold for the heritage and historic zone.  This will be agreed with MBC’s Conservation Team and KCC prior to installation.


·                Page 73 (SFG page 4)


Amend paragraph 4, add final sentence:


This database provides the standard makes and models for all street furniture used in the Borough and should be used as a reference for all new street furniture. Any deviation from the standard should be agreed in advance with MBC’s Street Scene Operations Manager.



Litter Bins – Guidance


·                Page 75 (SFG page 6)


Paragraph 1, change to final sentence job title:


All bins throughout the town should be provided with integrated ashtrays. Any deviation from the standard bin should be agreed in advance with MBC’s Street Scene Operations Manager.




Lamp columns – Guidance


·                Page 76 (SFG page 7)


Remove reference to blue paint as covered in general guidance above:


The standard colour for lighting columns is light grey (as defined in BS 4800 colour code 00 A O1). Maidstone town centre has adopted different colours for street furniture depending on the zone and therefore the columns may require a different colour. Any departure from the prescribed standard will need prior agreement with MBC’s Street Scene Operations Manager, Conservation Team and KCC prior to installation.