Residents and Visitors survey – Total Respondents 1,025


Town Centre Based Questions –


How often do you visit Maidstone Town Centre during the day?

21% visit daily, 48% respondents visit weekly, 19% monthly, 6% at least every three months, 5% less than four times a year, 1% don’t visit Maidstone Town Centre.

·         Frequency of visits tends to reduce as age increases.

How often do you visit Maidstone Town Centre during the night?

2% daily, 13% visit weekly, 27% of respondents visit monthly, 17% At least every three months, 26% Less than four times a year, 15% I don’t visit Maidstone Town Centre.

·         39% of over 75’s year olds and disabled people don’t visit during this time.


How safe do you feel walking around Maidstone Town Centre during daylight hours?

73% of respondents said they felt safe or very safe.

·         85% of respondents from BME backgrounds felt safe, higher than average.

·         Respondents with a disability and those in the 25 to 34 years age group had the highest proportion of people reporting they feel unsafe at 12% and 11% respectively.

How safe do you feel walking alone in Maidstone Town Centre after dark?

About a quarter of respondents (26%) said they felt safe or very safe and a third of respondents (33%) said they felt unsafe or very unsafe.

·         49% of respondents with a disability feel unsafe compared to 30% without a disability.

·         42% of recent victims of crime feel unsafe compared to 31% of respondents who are not recent victims of crime.

Problems in Maidstone Town Centre: Drug dealing and taking

59% of respondents thought this was a very big or a fairly big problem and 18% said they didn’t know.

·         Recent victims had the greatest proportion of respondents that felt it is a very big problem at 30% and the 18 to 24 years group did not have anyone who said this was a very big problem.

·         Respondents with a disability and those in the 64 to 74 years group had the highest proportion of people responding ‘Don’t know’ at 25%

Problems in Maidstone Town Centre: Vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property and vehicles.

52% of respondents thought this was a very big or a fairly big problem and 11% said they didn’t know.

·         The over 75’s group had the greatest proportion of respondents saying this is a very big problem at 37% and the 18 to 24 years group had the greatest proportion saying that it is not a problem at all at 25%.  

·         Respondents with a disability were more than twice as likely, than non-disabled respondents, to say this is a very big problem at 27% compared to 10%.

Problems in Maidstone Town Centre: Muggings and pickpocketing

33% of respondents said this issue is a very big or a fairly big problem and 28% said they didn’t know.

·         Respondents with a disability have the greatest proportion of people saying this issue is a very big problem at 13%. This group also had the greatest proportion of people saying this issue is a fairly big problem at 42%. 

Problems in Maidstone Town Centre: Shoplifting

54% of respondents said shoplifting was a very big or a fairly big problem and 23% said they didn’t know.

·         Respondents with a disability had the greatest proportion of people responding that this is a very big problem (34%) followed by the over 75 years group (27%).

·         Respondents from BME groups had the greatest proportion of people responding Don’t know at 28%.

Problems in Maidstone Town Centre: People being drunk and rowdy

70% of respondents said that people being drunk and rowdy are a very big or a fairly big problem and 10% they didn’t know.

·         The 45 to 54 years group had the greatest proportion of people saying this issue is a very big problem at 36%.

Problems in Maidstone Town Centre: Sexual assaults

18% of respondents said this was a very big or a fairly big problem and 42% said they didn’t know.

·         Respondents with a disability had the greatest proportion of people saying this is a very big problem at 6%, followed by the 45 to 54 year old group with 5%. 

Problems in Maidstone Town Centre: Violent attacks

37% of respondents said this was a very big or a fairly big problem and 29% said they didn’t know.

·         Respondents from BME groups and those 75 years and over had the greatest proportion of respondents who thought violent attacks are a very big problem at 16% each.

Local Area Based Questions

How safe do you feel walking around your local area during daylight hours?

86% of respondents said they feel safe or very safe.

·         Respondents from BME backgrounds had the lowest levels of feeling safe at 69%.

·         Respondents in the 18 to 24 years group had the highest proportion of respondents feeling unsafe at 19%.

How safe do you feel walking alone in your local area after dark?

46% of respondents said they feel safe or very safe.

·         Respondents in the 18 to 24 years group had the highest levels of feeling unsafe at 68%.

·         Respondents with a disability at had the second highest levels of feeling unsafe at 49% however this group also had the highest proportion of respondents who said they were never alone in this situation.

Problems in Residents local areas: Drug dealing and taking

24% of resident respondents said this was a very big or fairly big problem in their area and 17% said they didn’t know.

·         Respondents from BME groups have the greatest proportion of saying this is a very big problem at 15%.

·         The over 75’s have the lowest proportion of respondents saying this is a very big problem and the greatest proportion responding Don’t know at 36%. 

Problems in Residents local areas: Vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property and vehicles

24% of respondents said this is a very big or fairly big problem and 5% said they didn’t know.  

·         Recent victims had the greatest proportion of respondents that think this is a very big problem at 17% followed by the over 75’s group at 15%.

Problems Residents local areas: Muggings and pickpocketing

6% of respondents said this is a very big or fairly big problem and 21% said they didn’t know.

·         The over 75’s had the greatest proportion responding that this is a very big problem at 5%. This group also had the greatest proportion of people responding Don’t know at 40%.

Problems in Residents local areas:  Shoplifting

13% of respondents said this is a very big or fairly big problem and 29% said they didn’t know.

·         Recent victims of crime and those in the 35 to 44 years had the greatest proportion of respondents thinking this is a very big problem.

·         None of the respondents in the 18 to 24 years or disability groups said this is a very big problem. 

Residents local areas: People being drunk and rowdy

28% of respondents said this is a very big or a fairly big problem and 5% said they didn’t know.

·         The 25 to 34 year olds have the greatest proportion of respondents that said this is a very big problem at 15%.

Problems in Residents local areas: Sexual assaults

Under 1% said that this was a very big problem, 4% said this is a fairly big problem and 36% said they didn’t know.

·         BME groups have the greatest proportion of respondents saying this is a very big problem at 3% and the greatest proportion of people saying this is a fairly big problem at 8%. 

Problems in Residents local areas: Violent attacks

9% of respondents said this is a very big or fairly big problem and 28% said they didn’t know.

·         BME groups and those in the 18 to 24 years group had the greatest proportion of responses that said this is a very big problem with 5% each.

Feelings of Safety and CCTV Perceptions

What makes people feel safe?

The top three responses were Well lit streets 26%, Visible police presence 25% and CCTV 17%.

·         Visible police presence was the top answer for respondents aged 18 to 24 years, those aged 35 to 64 years, recent victims of crime and men.

·         BME respondents and the over 75 years and over group had the highest proportions of people selecting CCTV at 22% and 23% respectively.

CCTV awareness in Town Centre

83% of respondents are aware of CCTV operating in the Town Centre.

·         Women had the lowest level of awareness of CCTV in the Town Centre at 77% and men have the highest level at 90%.

·         Respondents over the age of 75 had the highest levels of people that were not sure and the 18 to 24 years group had the highest levels of respondent that said they were not aware of CCTV operating in the Town Centre.

CCTV awareness in local area

59% of respondents are not aware of CCTV operating in their local area.

·         Almost 50% of 18 to 24 year olds said they were aware of CCTV operating in their local area.

·         Recent victims had the second greatest proportion of respondents who thought there was CCTV operating in their local area at 37%.

Extent of agreement with the statement: CCTV reduces crime

68% of respondents agree with this statement.

·         The age group 75 years and over had the highest level of agreement with this statement at 95%.

·         The 25 to 34 year old group had the lowest level at 59%.

Extent of agreement with the statement: CCTV helps the police to investigate crime and catch victims

90% of respondents agree with this statement.

·         The 75 years and over age group had the highest level of agreement at 100%.

·         Respondents from BME groups had the lowest level of agreement at 72%.

Extent of agreement with the statement: CCTV deters people from committing crime

55% of respondents agree with this statement.

·         Recent victims of crime had the lowest level of agreement with this statement at 42%.

·         Respondents with a disability had the highest level of agreement at 74%.

·         Recent victims and the 18 to 24 year old groups had the highest levels of disagreeing with this statement both at 40%.  

Extent of agreement with the statement: CCTV makes me feel safer

65% of respondents agree with this statement.

·         Recent victims and the 18 to 24 years groups had the lowest levels of agreement with this statement at 55% and 54% respectively.

·         The 25 to 34 years and 55 to 64 years had the highest levels of disagreement with this statement at 14%.

Extent of agreement with the statement: CCTV improves public safety

68% of respondents agree with this statement.

·         Recent victims had the lowest level of agreement at 55%.

·         The 75 years and over group has the highest level of agreement at 92% and it appears that agreement tends to increase in line with age.

·         Respondents in the 25 to 34 years and the recent victims groups have the highest levels of disagreement with this statement at 15% and 13% respectively. 

Extent of agreement with the statement: CCTV reduces reoffending

28% of respondents agree and 28% disagree with this statement.

·         Respondents with a disability have the highest level of agreement at 44% and the 18 to 24 year old group has the lowest at 21%.

Extent of agreement with the statement: CCTV is an invasion of privacy

65% of respondents disagree and 10% agree with this statement.

·         The 75 years and over group have the highest level of disagreement at 88%.

·         The 45 to 54 year olds and recent victims have the lowest level of agreement with this statement at 6%.

·         64% of 18 to 24 year olds neither agree nor disagree.

Rank the areas based on where you think it is most important to have CCTV?

Town Centre streets is the highest ranked answer – this occurred across all groupings.

·         Three other locations also scored highly: Local parades of shops, car parks and parks, playgrounds and green spaces.

·         Parks was the second ranked answer for 18 to 24 year olds and over 75 year olds.

·         Respondents with a disability and those aged 35 to 44 years put car parks second and all remaining groups selected local parades of shops as second.


Business Survey – Total Respondents 58

How safe do you feel your business is from crime?

27% of respondents said they feel very safe or safe.


How much of a problem do you think the following are in the area your business is located

Very big problem

Fairly big problem

Not a very big problem

Not a problem at all


Drug dealing and taking






Vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage


















People being drunk and rowdy






Sexual assaults






Violent attacks







Has your business been affected by crime in the last three years?

If yes, how many times

55% of business responding have been affected by crime in the last three years

·         Of these 50% have been affected 5 or times in this period.

CCTV use and security measures in business premises

40% of businesses responding have their own in house CCTV

·         44% of those with CCTV have it both inside and outside.

·         37% of those with CCTV monitor and record 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week.

·         58% record but do not monitor 24 hrs a day and 7 days a week.

·         93% of business respondents do not have security staff.


To what extent do you agree with the following statements about CCTV


Neither agree nor disagree


CCTV reduces crime




CCTV helps the Police investigate crime and catch criminals




CCTV deters criminals from committing crime




CCTV makes me feel safer




CCTV improves public safety




CCTV reduces reoffending




CCTV is an invasion of privacy









Rank the areas based on where you think it is most important to have CCTV?


Town centre streets


Local parades of shops


Village squares and high streets


Main roads and motorways


Car parks


Parks, playgrounds and green spaces
