Item 13, Page 7                                                                      Land at Former Sygenta Works



Reference number: 15/507450/REM


The internal floor levels of all the houses would be above 13.06 AODN in accordance with the revised modelled design flood level provided by the EA.   Future occupants would not be at risk of flooding whilst inside their houses as a result.  Safe access from the site during a flood event is a matter for the LPA rather than the EA and the proposed layout is in accordance with the outline permission and a reason for refusal could not be sustained in this instance.  It is also noted that the pedestrian route along the front of the houses has been raised to 13.06m to allow safe access to the houses during an extreme flood event.  


Overall it is considered that the proposal is in accordance with the outline permission and the future occupants would not be placed at significant risk to flooding. 


In addition the design of the development platform would be in accordance with the details of the outline consent therefore the displacement of floodwater would not be increased.  Further a compensatory flood storage scheme has been agreed under the outline permission which would not change.  It is also noted that the reserved matters application proposes three fewer houses on the site than the outline permission grants consent for.    


The S106 for the outline consent contained a clause stating an updated viability assessment would need to be submitted if the development is not commenced within 2 years of the outline decision date.  The applicants are aware of this clause and have advised that an updated viability assessment will be submitted prior to works commencing on site. 


Amend condition 7:

The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

15.015.01, 15.015.02, 15.015.07, 15.015.08, MHS139.15-C61 Rev B; received 23.09.2016 and the FRA by Herrington Consulting Ltd; dated September 2015, 15.015.03 Rev B, 15.015.04 Rev B, 15.015.05 Rev B, 15.015.06 Rev B and 15.015.09 Rev B; received 9.06.2016 and MHS139.15-A30, MHS139.15-A31, MHS139.15-A32, MHS139.15-C62, MHS139.15-C63, MHS139.15-G01; received 1 March 2016 

Reason:  To ensure the quality of the development is maintained and to prevent harm to the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers. 



My recommendation remains unchanged.