Item 14, Page 17                                                                    Lested Farm, Chart Sutton



Reference number: 16/501631/FULL


The applicant has confirmed that the facility would be ‘fed’ with material a maximum of once a day. In addition I consider it appropriate to make an additional requirement so that, if the Odour Management Plan for some reason proves to be inadequate, then that shall be reviewed and alternative/additional measures put in place. I recommend that these alterations should be incorporated into a revised condition (5) as follows:


Unless the Local Planning Authority gives consent to any variation, the development hereby permitted shall be operated in accordance with the Odour Management Plan dated 10/2/16 (with the exception of the Feedstock Delivery tonnage figures which have since been amended). The anaerobic digestion facility hereby permitted shall only be loaded with material a maximum of once per day.


Should adherence to the Odour Management Plan fail to prevent a significant level of odour adversely affecting local residential properties then a revised Odour Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and following, approval, the development hereby permitted shall be operated in accordance with that revised Odour Management Plan. The revised Plan shall incorporate revised and/or additional measures to ensure that local residential properties are not adversely affected by odours; and shall include a timetable for implementation;


Reason: In the interests of residential amenity.’



Following advice from The Environmental Health Officer I recommend that the wording of condition (8) to read:


Prior to the first use of the electricity substation an acoustic report assessing the impact shall be shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The report shall address the issue of noise (including low frequency noise) and vibration from the station to ensure that there is no loss of amenity to residential or commercial properties.  For residential accommodation, the scheme shall ensure that the low frequency noise emitted from the substation is controlled so that it does not exceed the Low Frequency Criterion Curve for the 10 to 160Hz third octave bands inside residential accommodation as described in The DEFRA Procedure for  the assessment of low frequency noise complaints  2011 (NANR45). The equipment shall be maintained in a condition so that it complies with the levels and mitigation measures specified in the approved acoustic report, whenever it is operating.  After installation of the approved plant no new plant shall be used without the written consent of the local planning authority;


In the interests of residential amenity.’



I note that the red line marking the extent of the application site on the Site Location Plan (FR1003-A-06) is drawn so that the proposed gas flare (in the north west corner of the facility) and the proposed shallow depression known as a ‘swale’ (to the east of the facility) are omitted. These elements are clearly shown on the plans, they form a part of the development and should be included within the application site. I consider this necessitates a revised Site Location Plan which, at the time of writing, has not been submitted and therefore I recommend that Members give delegated powers to approve the application subject to the receipt of a satisfactory amended plan. I do not consider it necessary to re-consult third parties on that amended plan as the drawings already clearly show the features concerned.


AMENDMENT TO RECOMMENDATION: Subject to the receipt of an amended site plan correctly marking the extent of the application site, the Head of Planning and Development be given delegated powers to grant permission subject to the conditions in the committee report as amended as shown above.