Item 16, Page 35         Land South Of Heath Road Linton Maidstone Kent ME17 4NU


Ref: 18/500618/FULL


Revised plans: A revised car parking layout has been submitted which gives a better segregation for pedestrians entering the site from the pedestrian crossing direct to the front door of the surgery.


Email from CCG: The CCG has commented that condition 5 does not meet the Government requirements under “General Practice Forward View” (2016) which is 8am-8pm including weekends and includes access being available at peak times and bank holidays.


Agent: The agent has written to ask that the condition be removed to allow as much flexibility as possible and the best service available to future patients including a greater choice of out of hours service. The comment is made that the existing neighbour closest to the site has no concerns over hours of use.


Additional responses to Consultations:

·         Loose PC still object to the scheme

·         Linton PC still object to the scheme and reiterate that Clock House scheme is preferable and Pharmacy relies on NHS Electronic Prescription Service that the local surgeries are already a part of.

·         KCC (drainage)- the site can be served by soakaways and conditions have been suggested.


Discussion: The revised car park layout is a minor technical change which does not warrant reconsultation and is acceptable in terms of better reflecting safe pedestrian desire lines within the carpark. The CCG has provided a clear justification for a change to condition 5 and I recommend 15 mins leeway either side for flexibility. I would not recommend total deletion of the hours condition as the agent has requested: at this moment there is no justification for an unfettered hours/days of use which could harm residential amenities of nearby dwellings. The condition remains necessary in my view. The applicant has the prerogative to request a variation which can be judged on its merits.


The KCC (drainage) conditions will replace the condition 4 in the agenda.


The recommendation that the Travel Plan is included in the s106 legal agreement can be converted to a condition with only the monitoring fee of £5000 needing to be in the legal agreement.


Amend the resolution:


The Head of Planning and Development BE DELEGATED POWERS TO GRANT planning permission subject to the prior completion of a legal agreement to provide the following (including the Head of Planning and Development being able to settle or amend any necessary terms of the legal agreement in line with the matters set out in the recommendation resolved by Planning Committee):


o        a contribution of £5000 to be transferred to KCC for monitoring of the Travel Plan

o        Provision of bus/taxi transportation from local villages to serve the surgery




Amend condition 2 on page 53 to read as follows:


2)      The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

DHA/12371/01; DHA/12371/02; DHA/12371/11 rev C ; DHA/12371/12 rev C ; DHA/12371/13; DHA/12371/14; DHA/12371/15      

Reason: To clarify which plans have been approved.



Amend condition 4 on pages 53/54 to read as follows:


4) Development shall not begin until a detailed sustainable surface water drainage scheme for the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The detailed drainage scheme shall demonstrate that the surface water generated by this development (for all rainfall durations and intensities up to and including the climate change adjusted critical 100 year storm) can be accommodated and disposed of within the curtilage of the site without increase to flood risk on or off-site. The drainage scheme shall also demonstrate that silt and pollutants resulting from the site use and construction can be adequately managed to ensure there is no pollution risk to receiving waters.


The building hereby permitted shall not be occupied until an operation and maintenance manual for the proposed sustainable drainage scheme is submitted to (and approved in writing) by the local planning authority. The manual at a minimum shall include the following details:

• A description of the drainage system and its key components

• A general arrangement plan with the location of drainage measures and critical features clearly marked

• An approximate timetable for the implementation of the drainage system

 • Details of the future maintenance requirements of each drainage or SuDS component, and the frequency of such inspections and maintenance activities

• Details of who will undertake inspections and maintenance activities, including the arrangements for adoption by any public body or statutory undertaker, or any other arrangements to secure the operation of the sustainable drainage system throughout its lifetime


The drainage scheme as approved shall subsequently be maintained in accordance with these details.


Where infiltration is to be used to manage the surface water from the development hereby permitted, it will only be allowed within those parts of the site where information is submitted to demonstrate to the Local Planning Authority’s satisfaction that there is no resultant unacceptable risk to controlled waters and/or ground stability. The development shall only then be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To protect vulnerable groundwater resources and ensure compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework.


Amend condition 5 on page 54 to read as follows:


5)      No activity in connection with the use hereby permitted, other than the cleaning of the premises, shall be carried out outside of the hours of 0745 and 2015 and not at any time on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays.


Reason: To safeguard the enjoyment of their properties by adjoining residential occupiers.


Additional Condition 26


26) The development shall be carried out in accordance with the draft travel plan hereby approved.


Reason: In the interests of sustainable travel.



Recommendation remains unchanged