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Item 14                                                      Southfield Stables, South Lane, Sutton Valence

Page 17 -27

Updates to the following sections;


Paragraph 1.01 states that the “Conservation Area is approximately 110m to the north”. For the purpose of clarity, the specific distances from the northern edge of the built form of the bungalows proposed are 211 metres to the edge of the southern boundary of the Belringham and 321 metres to the southern boundary of Ivy House. The distance to the north eastern corner of Jubilee Cottages which adjoins the Sutton Valence Conservation Area is 301 metres.


Amend condition 3 to read as follows;

Notwithstanding the information on the approved plans, no development above damp proof course level shall take place until details of samples of materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. The details of the material shall include sparrow boxes/bricks incorporated into the development.


Reasons: In the interest of amenity and to ensure that the proposed development is satisfactorily integrated with its immediate surroundings.


Amend condition 4 to read as follows;

Prior to any part of the development hereby approved reaching damp proof course details of a decentralised and renewable or low-carbon sources of energy and how they will be incorporated into the development shall be submitted for prior approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved details will be in place before first occupation of any part of the development hereby approved and maintained as such at all times thereafter.


Reason: To secure an energy efficient and sustainable form of development to accord with the provision of the NPPF.


Recommendation remains unchanged

The policy criteria for development on brownfield land set out in Policy DM5 of the adopted local plan (2017) is as follows:

1.    Proposals for development on previously developed land (brownfield land) in Maidstone urban area, rural service centres and larger villages that make effective use of land and which meet the following criteria will be permitted:


i.              The site is not of high environmental Value; and

ii.             If the proposal is for residential development, the density of new housing proposals reflects the character and appearance of the individual localities, and is consistent with policy DM12 unless there are justifiable reasons for a change in density.


2.    Exceptionally, the residential development of brownfield sites in the countryside which are not residential gardens  and which meet the above criteria will be permitted provided the redevelopment would also result in a significant environmental improvement and the site is, or can reasonably be made, accessible by sustainable modes to Maidstone urban area, a rural service centre or larger village.