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Item 24                                                               Church Farm, Ulcombe Hill, Ulcombe, Kent


Pages 167-187


Additional consultee response


KCC Archaeological Officer


The site of the application is within a sensitive area archaeologically and in terms of historic landscape.  The site lies in an area of potential associated with Iron Age remains.  Some Iron Age burials have been located in the churchyard and this suggests the potential for an Iron Age settlement nearby. 


Ulcombe Church itself is of 13th century or earlier origins and may be the focus of a medieval settlement.  Ulcombe Place is adjacent to the church and is a high status residence of 13th century date, although it too may be of earlier origins. Ulcombe Place may well be a medieval manorial complex with associated remains surviving in the surrounding fields.  Ulcombe Place seemed to develop as a post medieval farm complex and Church Farm has been highlighted in the Historic England Farmstead Survey and is a historic farm complex.  Associated with Ulcombe Place is a historic formal garden which reflects the character of Ulcombe Place as a post medieval high status residence. 


This scheme could have a detrimental impact on the setting of designated heritage assets: Ulcombe Church, Ulcombe Place, Ulcombe Place gardens and Church Farmhouse. Ulcombe Church is Grade I and as such Historic England should be consulted on this scheme. I understand the applicant has been in consultation with Historic England and they are now satisfied with the mitigation on setting and impact proposed for the scheme. 


This scheme may have an impact on archaeological remains and on the wider setting of Ulcombe Church and Place.  The application does not seem to be supported by a Heritage Statement or assessment of archaeological issues.  It would be preferable for this scheme to be supported by assessment of archaeological issues.


The scheme is likely to have an impact on the wider historic landscape surrounding Ulcombe Church and Place.  This concern has been considered by the applicant and they have put forward additional mitigation which is accepted by Historic England.


I consider archaeological concerns can be addressed through condition and I recommend the following condition is placed on any forthcoming consent:


(14)      No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, has secured the implementation of

            i           archaeological field evaluation works in accordance with a specification and written timetable which has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority; and

            ii           following on from the evaluation, any safeguarding measures to ensure preservation in situ of important archaeological remains and/or further archaeological investigation and recording in accordance with a specification and timetable which has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority

Reason:          To ensure that features of archaeological interest are properly examined and recorded and that due regard is had to the preservation in situ of important archaeological remains.


Officer’s comment

The Archaeological Officer raises a number of points, which concludes that subject to a

condition the proposals would be acceptable in terms of Archaeological impact.  It is considered

that that proposed condition is reasonable and would meet the necessary tests, with the

addition of wording to the reason to give reason as to why the details are required prior to

commencement of development it is considered that the above condition be added to those

previously recommended.


Recommendation remains unchanged subject to the additional condition set out above and those set out in the earlier Urgent Update.