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Item  11                                                          Land south of Vicarage Road, Yalding

Page 19


Updates to the following sections;


·         Although the original urgent update summarised the response from Helen Grant MP, a full copy of the letter is attached as an appendix to this update.

·         CPRE have also responded to the applicant and object on the basis of heritage impacts, and too many houses within the site.

·         Kent Wildlife Trust have also responded drawing attention to the need for Dormice surveys and that a mitigation scheme should be conditioned on this application.

·         Further resident response regarding potential flooding caused by the road improvements.



·         Amendment to Recommendation 8.01 to read instead;

Subject to the prior completion of a legal agreement to provide for the Heads of Terms set our below and subject to the conditions as set out below, the Head of Planning and Development BE DELEGATED POWERS TO GRANT to grant planning permission, and to be able to settle or amend any necessary Heads of Terms and planning conditions in line with the matters set out in the recommendation and as resolved by the Planning Committee

·         Amend Condition 13 to make reference to drawing numbers in Transport Statement

No development shall commence on site until a signed S278 Agreement is finalised and ready for signing, covering the following;


·         The alterations to Vicarage Road as set out in the Transport Assessment set out in drawings 11293-T-04 P6, 11293-T-05 P6, 11293-T-06 P6

·         The access to Vicarage Lane and appropriate visibility splays

·         Pedestrian Footpath from site access and tactile paving to create crossing point to northern footpath


The development shall not be occupied until the Section 278 is complete and highways works covered in the agreement as set out have been completed.

Reason:  To ensure compliance with Policy H1-65 (as modified) and to ensure highway and pedestrian safety


·         Amend Condition 24 (page 37-38) to take account of the amended illustrated masterplan. For completeness the condition is listed below in its amended form;


24.   The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


·         Drawing 2855 10 Site Location Plan

·         Drawing 2855 100 Rev Q Site Layout Plan

·         Drawing 2855 101 Rev L Parking Plan

·         Drawing 2855 102 Rev L Tenure Plan

·         Drawing 2855 103 Rev M Refuse Strategy

·         Drawing 2855 104 Rev O Storey Heights Plan

·         Drawing 2855 105 Rev M Unit Mix Plan

·         Drawing 2855 106 Rev L Roof Plan

·         Drawing 2855 107 Rev L Roof Plan

·         Drawing 2855 108 Rev C Street Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 110 Rev F Proposed Site Plan

·         Drawing 2855 110 Rev F Proposed Site Plan (Without Notes)

·         Drawing 2855 201 Rev E House Type B1 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 202 Rev D House Type B2 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 204 Rev G House Type D1 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 206 Rev F House Type E2 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 207 Rev F House Type F1 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 209 Rev E House Type G1 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 210 Rev E House Type G2 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 212 Rev D House Type G4 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 213 Rev G House Type H1 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 214 Rev E House Type H2 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 215 Rev E House Type H3 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 216 Rev D House Type H4 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 217 Rev F House Type AF2-A Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 218 Rev D House Type AF2-B Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 220 Rev E House Type AF3-B Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 224 Rev C Affordable Apartments Elevations 1

·         Drawing 2855 226 Rev G House Type E3 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 227 Rev F House Type F3 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 228 Rev F Car Ports & Garages Plans & Elevations Sheet 1

·         Drawing 2855 229 Rev E Car Ports & Garages Plans & Elevations Sheet 2

·         Drawing 2855 230 Rev B House Type L1 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 232 Rev B House Types AF2-B Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 235 House Type B1 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2855 238 House Type D2 Plans & Elevations

·         Drawing 2695-LA-01P10 Illustrative Landscape Masterplan


   Reason: To clarify which plans have been approved



Officer Response

The matter of highways impact was covered in the original report and KCC highways have reviewed the methodology of the Transport Assessment, the trip and capacity assessments and the improvements to Vicarage Road. This includes the assessment of individual and cumulative impacts of the development having regard to the existing situation and have no technical objections to the scheme.

The comments of Kent Wildlife Trust are noted but the information has been fully reviewed by KCC Ecology and they confirm sufficient information has been provided by the applicant. The view was that the site has low potential for dormice in the site and in any case, the majority of hedgerows and woodland will be retained as part of the development. Furthermore, since the Kent Wildlife comments, the landscape masterplan has been amended to introduce additional planting to the frontage area. The recommendation includes planning conditions with regards to following recommendations of the ecological appraisal,  biodiversity enhancements, a Landscape and Ecology Management Plan and the illustrated masterplan has been amended to retain greater planting on the frontage. There is also a landscaping condition to require details of exact planting mix and specification. It is considered sufficient evidence been provided in respect of this matter and sufficient control to ensure wildlife, including dormice, are protected over the lifetime of the development.

The matters of density and impact on heritage has been addressed in the original report and the application was supported by a heritage assessment and this was reviewed by Historic England and the council’s Conservation Office who have no objections to the scheme

In respect of the flooding issues from the improvement works, this would be considered through the Section 278 agreement process.

Recommendation remains unchanged