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Membership shall comprise the Leader and Chief Executive (or approved representative) from each partner Authority. The quorum will be five with at least one person present from each of the Parties. This Board shall meet biannually with the Mid-Kent Services Director and Mid-Kent Services Support Officer. One meeting shall be the Board ‘Away Day,’ which will be used to agree the partnership strategy for the forthcoming year.


The responsibilities of the MKS Board shall include:


1. To define the objectives and strategic priorities for Mid Kent Services.


2. To approve the financial envelope for MKS based on the recommendations of the

Shared Service Board and Executive Board;


3. To approve new shared service projects based on the recommendation of the Executive Board;


4. To make recommendations to the individual partner authorities on overarching MKS issues and policies, including strategic priorities and objectives;


5. To approve the Work Programme and Communications Plan;


6. To consider any matters referred to it from, and delegate matters to, the Executive Board;


7. To provide direction to the MKS Support Officer; and


8. To review these arrangements from time to time and make recommendations to the individual partner authorities for improvement.