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MINUTES APPENDIX West Kent Health & Wellbeing Board 18 April 2017 Delivery Action Plan for Minutes of Meeting

20.12.16 - Assurance Framework Report


Report recommendation(s)

Action required: Agency/Lead

Outcome expected/By when & Monitoring Arrangements


                                 i.            Align outcomes of the current Health and Wellbeing Strategy with the delivery outcomes for the Sustainability & Transformation Plan

                                ii.            Explore opportunities for working with relevant strategic partnership groups, agencies, commissioning bodies and population groups to address issues which analysis has presented as showing persistent challenges for performance outcomes in West Kent.


                              iii.            Ensure the Board’s existing Task & Finish Groups orientate their delivery and action plans towards addressing outcomes where there are concerns for West Kent performance.



                              iv.            NHS West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS WK CCG) to work with NHS providers to further consider ways of improving services for people with dementia who are admitted as an emergency.

                               v.            West Kent Health & Wellbeing Board (WK HWB) to both influence and ensure a robust local system for integrated commissioning and effective alignment between the National Child Measurement Programme to ensure effective joined up delivery actions with the work of the LCPGs


                              vi.            Agree appropriate mechanism for assessing the challenges relating to performance with NHS Health Checks Uptake (which has reduced from the 2014/15 level);


Slope index in Inequalities across all four districts in West Kent for males;


Alcohol related admissions in some districts has slightly increased from 2013/14;


Screening for cervical and breast cancer in those districts where there has been a reduction from 2014


                            vii.            That further investigation be carried out in relation to the Public Health England website description of the West Kent overall rate, and the male rate, as “similar to the benchmark”, whereas, they label the female rate as “above the benchmark”.

                           viii.            Requests that the joint commissioners of the Kent Carers Support Services ensure that contract performance management will include KPI’s and evidence that will  help us measure specific outcomes, such as those outlined in Appendix  3.



West Kent West Kent Health & Wellbeing Board Development Event 21 February 2017 to consider relationship between its stated priorities and the Sustainability & Transformation Plan







All issues which the Assurance Report Analysis presents as showing persistent challenges for performance outcomes in West Kent to be shared with relevant agencies and partnership groups with a view to the body assessing opportunities which may exist to address the issue.
















Task & Finish Groups to be requested to consider what action they can take to address concerns.
















Programme Lead for commissioning Dementia services requested to provide a report to the Board on progress in working with Providers to address the issue of people admitted to hospital with dementia receiving appropriate assessment.









Agenda Item(s) on arrangements for joint Commissioning of Children’s Services provides opportunity for Board members to input into the future plans for children’s services


Board agreed to consider the outcome of the North Kent Joint Commissioning/Integrated Working Pilot in 6 months’ time and determine lessons to be learnt for West Kent.









CCG Chief Operating Officer to meet with KCC PH Commissioning Lead to explore opportunities for creating ‘bespoke NHS Health Check’







Request advice from KCC PH on how this might be tackled. Determine what the implications are for Borough/District Councils and the respective Devolution Deals


Delivery Action for WK CCG Mental Health commissioning lead.

Potential Delivery Action for x4 local Community Safety Partnerships



CCG lead for Specialist Commissioning to advise








KCC and CCG to interrogate the Public Health England description.














Joint commissioners of the Kent Carers Support Services to develop KPI’s and generate evidence

To be agreed at Development Event 21 February 2017
























Alcohol and Obesity Task & Finish Groups to report formally to HWB as part of the Board Work Programme.













By April 2017











By June 2017















To be advised









By April 2017



No definitive decision taken at WK HWB Development Event. Issue to be highlighted at 18 April meeting following discussion on this matter at the Kent HWB





Programme Lead  for commissioning Dementia services to be requested to provide a report to the Board on progress in working with Providers to address the issue of people admitted to hospital with dementia receiving appropriate assessment.

Community Safety Partnerships to be approached re hospital admissions relating to alcohol harm.

Local Children’s Partnership Groups to be approached in relation to obesity data/information.


Obesity Task & Finish Group requested to reflect on the issues highlighted in the report – to include proper consideration of the links it might establish with other groups such as the Local Children’s Partnership Groups (LCPGs) to ensure co-ordinated delivery actions.


Chair discussed Assurance report issues with Alcohol Task & Finish Group Chair and Officer Lead. Report requested to next WK HWB meeting.


Email sent to DH and MMcH













To be added to WK HWB Work Programme 2017 – 2018

























Aligned Public Health Consultant to progress




Emails sent








































7. Health Inequalities


7.9.1 To receive a report at the next meeting which identifies common areas of interest where partners can learn lessons that help provide assurance in relation to addressing inequalities. This would explicitly explore the correlation between delivery outcomes of NHS Health Checks and areas of Deprivation and assess the potential for creating bespoke elements to be added to the Health Check – to influence improved outcomes and greater confidence in the value of the programme.









7.9.2 A report to be presented to a future Board meeting on the outcomes identified in the Asset Mapping work completed in TWBC area with a view to exploring the potential for a ‘consistency of approaches’ towards asset mapping (to also relate to the Devolution Deal;  focus on the formation of Local Care facilities and ‘spatial patterns’ within the context of the development of New Models of Primary Care).



Insufficient time to fully consider these matters. Since the last meeting in December, the Board has held a Development Event (February) which agreed to identify more dedicated time within meetings for deliberation and decision-making. Suggest that the Board has dedicated time at future meetings for the following issues which will help the Board identify areas of interest:

·         A new approach to the Kent Health & Wellbeing Strategy





·         Links between the NHS Health Checks Results and Deprivation. Time required to enable discussion between KCC and WK CCG on the potential for developing ‘bespoke’ elements to the checks. A report could then be brought back to the HWB


It has been agreed that this will be considered at the June HWB meeting, with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council officers taking a lead in presenting the work carried out in that area.










Kent HWB considered the new approach to developing the Kent Health & Wellbeing Strategy – feedback to be given to WK HWB at 18 April meeting.


Additional support required to facilitate discussion between CCG and KCC and provide feedback to Board.




Since last meeting work carried out to explore what work has been undertaken/feasibility of a Tunbridge Wells focused presentation has highlighted that Asset Mapping has also been carried out in other areas in West Kent and the Board will benefit from taking a broader view of work undertaken, outcomes/progress and future prospects.