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7 MARCH 2018



Councillor Greer (The Mayor) and Councillors Adkinson, Barned, Mrs Blackmore, Boughton, Brice, D Burton, M Burton, Clark, Cox, Cuming, Daley, English, Fermor, Field, Fissenden, Fort, Garland, Garten, Mrs Gooch, Mrs Grigg, Harper, Harvey, Harwood, Hastie, Mrs Hinder, Mrs Joy, Lewins, McLoughlin, B Mortimer, D Mortimer, Munford, Naghi, Newton, Perry, Pickett, Powell, Prendergast, Mrs Ring, Mrs Robertson, Round, J Sams, T Sams, Spooner, Springett, Mrs Stockell, Vizzard, Webb, Wilby, Willis and Mrs Wilson




103.     Minute's Silence


The Council stood in silence for one minute in memory of Paul Alcock, former Premier League Referee, Manager of The Mall, Maidstone and Chairman of Maidstone Town Centre Management, and Tony Morris, a former member of the Parks and Leisure Team, both of whom passed away recently.




104.     Prayers


Prayers were said by the Reverend Canon Andrew Sewell, Area Dean and Priest in Charge of St Paul’s Church, Boxley Road.




105.     Change to Order of Business


The Mayor announced that he intended to change the order of business to take the following item after agenda item 13 (Current Issues – Report of the Leader of the Council, Response of the Group Leaders and Questions from Council Members):


Item 17 - Report of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 14 February 2018 – Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget Proposals 2018/19.




106.     Apologies for Absence


It was noted that apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Butler, Ells and de Wiggondene-Sheppard.




107.     Dispensations


There were no applications for dispensations.





108.     Disclosures by Members and Officers


The Chief Executive, on behalf of herself and all other members of staff present, disclosed an interest in the report of the Employment Committee held on 15 February 2018 - Pay Policy Statement 2018.




109.     Disclosures of Lobbying


There were no disclosures of lobbying.




110.     Exempt Items


RESOLVED:  That all items on the agenda be taken in public as proposed.




111.     Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Borough Council held on 6 December 2017


RESOLVED:  That the Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of the Borough Council held on 6 December 2017 be approved as a correct record and signed.




112.     Minutes of the Meeting of the Borough Council held on 6 December 2017


RESOLVED:  That the Minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Borough Council held on 6 December 2017 be approved as a correct record and signed.




113.     Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor updated Members on recent and forthcoming engagements.


The Mayor also took the opportunity to thank staff for their efforts in maintaining services during the recent severe winter weather conditions.




114.     Petitions


There were no petitions.




115.     Question and Answer Session for Members of the Public


There were no questions from members of the public.




116.     Questions from Members of the Council to the Chairmen of Committees


Question to the Chairman of the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee from Councillor Harper


Councillor Harper asked the following question of the Chairman of the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee:

I understand that the Government has allocated a sum of pounds for electric car charging points at blocks of flats and in Council owned car parks.  Can the Chairman of Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee inform the meeting what active ongoing measures the authority is doing to install electric car charging points throughout the Borough and to promote electric cars and transport to reduce air pollution and move towards carbon neutral transport?


The Chairman of the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee replied that:


We as a Council through, probably, the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee will tap into any pot of money that exists so that we can encourage the additional installation of electric car charging infrastructure to promote electric vehicle use.


I can report that there are some measures that we have undertaken already and intend to undertake.  For example, the Maidstone Integrated Transport Strategy promotes electric vehicle use.  It is a core part of the Strategy.  In particular, Action H6 seeks the installation of additional electric charging points and the promotion of electric car use.


The Strategy also includes a target to double the number of electric charging points in Maidstone by 2021 and to double again by 2031.


When I first started talking about electric vehicles in this Chamber, I was met with cynicism and scepticism, but I am really encouraged tonight that this question demonstrates cross-party support to accelerate the process.  Action H6 is a very positive measure, but we need to go further.


Our recently adopted Local Plan has embedded policies and proposals that are intended to promote electric vehicle use.  In particular, Policy DM6 on Air Quality supports the Maidstone Integrated Transport Strategy by facilitating the installation of charging points.  Policy DM23 also seeks to ensure that new developments incorporate electric vehicle charging infrastructure.


As recently as December 2017, the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee adopted the Council’s Low Emission Strategy, and one of the actions in the Strategy relates to the introduction of Air Quality Planning Guidance which includes provision for the incorporation of electric vehicle charging points in new builds.  I was pleased to champion that piece of work and that it was unanimously supported by everyone.


These are examples of some of the measures we are taking that will tangibly improve the air quality of our residents.


We need to be aware that this is the technology of here and now, but it is changing and we should not restrict our thinking to, for example, the idea of fixed electric vehicle charging infrastructure.  Let’s be really ambitious and make Maidstone a pioneer and leader in this area.


I am pleased to tell you that through the Quality Bus Partnership, working with one of the bus companies, an electric bus will be trialled very soon – another exciting example of new technology.


This is a very exciting time; there is much more we can do.  Let’s not rest until Maidstone is the exemplar in encouraging and promoting electric vehicle usage and improving air quality.


Question to the Chairman of the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee from Councillor J Sams


Councillor J Sams asked the following question of the Chairman of the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee:


60,000 homes in England have remained vacant for at least 2 years and 11,000 homes across the country have remained uninhabited for a decade or more.


Councils have the opportunity to make use of Empty Dwelling Management Orders which allow Local Authorities to bring unoccupied properties into use as housing.


Whilst this 2004 Housing Act legislation was aimed at properties that have been empty for 6 months or more we can show you properties in Harrietsham that have been empty for over 10 years.


In light of the housing shortage in Maidstone what steps will this Council take to use this legislation for the benefit of local residents?


The Chairman of the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee replied that:


The Housing and Health team works hard with the owners of empty properties to bring them back into use.  However returning empty properties back into use is often not straightforward.  This is because the reasons properties are left empty for long periods of time are often complex and difficult to resolve.  Empty Dwelling Management Orders were introduced in 2006.  In reality they are difficult to obtain.  During the period 2006-2011 only 43 EDMOs were issued nationally.


Our Council Tax records show that there are currently 116 properties in the Borough classified as empty and unfurnished for over two years. However there may be further properties that are not being lived in but are not classified as empty on our system for the purpose of Council Tax.


The Housing and Health team has liaised with the owners of eight long term empty properties in Harrietsham.  None of these properties would be suitable for consideration of an Empty Dwelling Management Order for a variety of reasons, including being subject to probate, being part of commercial premises, being about to be demolished or currently being marketed for sale.  If there are other properties we are not aware of please do contact the Housing and Health team and we can investigate further.




117.     Current Issues - Report of the Leader of the Council, Response of the Group Leaders and Questions from Council Members


There was no report from the Leader of the Council on this occasion.




118.     Report of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 14 February 2018 - Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget Proposals 2018/19


It was moved by Councillor Mrs Wilson, seconded by Councillor Harper, that the recommendations of the Policy and Resources Committee relating to the Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget Proposals 2018/19 be approved subject to the amendment of recommendation no.16 to refer to Appendix C, not Appendix D.


Amendment moved by Councillor Perry, seconded by Councillor Boughton, that the recommendations of the Policy and Resources Committee relating to the Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget Proposals 2018/19 (as amended) be approved subject to the following changes with the consequences set out in the papers circulated:


3.     That a proposed Council Tax of £250.56 at Band D be agreed.


4.     That the revenue estimates for 2018/19 incorporating the growth and savings items set out in Appendix A be agreed, including an additional saving of £45,000 in the budget for Communications.


9.     That a revised Strategic Revenue Projection be endorsed, showing the ongoing impact of the proposed change in Council Tax and removing the projected surplus of £97,000 for 2018/19, with a corresponding increase in the budget deficit in 2019/20.


As a consequence of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, a named vote was taken on the amendment as follows:


FOR (21)


Councillors Barned, Mrs Blackmore, Boughton, Brice, D Burton, M Burton, Cuming, Fort, Garten, Greer, Mrs Hinder, McLoughlin, Newton, Perry, Powell, Prendergast, Mrs Ring, Round, Spooner, Springett and

Mrs Stockell




Councillors Adkinson, Clark, Cox, Daley, English, Fermor, Field, Fissenden, Mrs Gooch, Mrs Grigg, Harper, Harvey, Harwood, Hastie,

Mrs Joy, Lewins, B Mortimer, D Mortimer, Munford, Naghi, Pickett,

Mrs Robertson, J Sams, T Sams, Vizzard, Webb, Wilby, Willis and

Mrs Wilson




Councillor Garland




Amendment moved by Councillor Cox, seconded by Councillor Mrs Gooch, that the recommendations of the Policy and Resources Committee relating to the Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget Proposals 2018/19 (as amended) be approved subject to the following changes with the consequences set out in the papers circulated:


4.     That £20,000 in the budget allocation for Environmental Enforcement is deleted and reinstated in the budget for the Communication Section and that a one off amount of £20,000 is allocated to Environmental Enforcement from the 2018/19 surplus.


9.     That a revised Strategic Revenue Projection be endorsed, reducing the projected surplus of £97,000 for 2018/19 to £77,000.


As a consequence of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, a named vote was taken on the amendment as follows:


FOR (33)


Councillors Adkinson, Barned, Mrs Blackmore, Clark, Cox, Daley, English, Fermor, Field, Fissenden, Mrs Gooch, Mrs Grigg, Harper, Harvey, Harwood, Hastie, Mrs Joy, Lewins, B Mortimer, D Mortimer, Munford, Naghi, Newton, Pickett, Powell, Mrs Robertson, J Sams, T Sams, Vizzard, Webb, Wilby, Willis and Mrs Wilson




Councillors Boughton, Brice, D Burton, M Burton, Cuming, Fort, Garland, Garten, Greer, Mrs Hinder, Perry, Round, Spooner, Springett and Mrs Stockell




Councillors McLoughlin, Prendergast and Mrs Ring




The substantive motion was then put to the vote.


As a consequence of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, a named vote was taken on the substantive motion as follows:

FOR (34)


Councillors Adkinson, Barned, Mrs Blackmore, Clark, Cox, Daley, English, Fermor, Field, Fissenden, Garland, Mrs Gooch, Mrs Grigg, Harper, Harvey, Harwood, Hastie, Mrs Joy, Lewins, B Mortimer, D Mortimer, Munford, Naghi, Newton, Pickett, Powell, Mrs Robertson, J Sams, T Sams, Vizzard, Webb, Wilby, Willis and Mrs Wilson




Councillors Boughton, Brice, D Burton, M Burton, Cuming, Fort, Garten, Greer, Mrs Hinder, McLoughlin, Perry, Prendergast, Mrs Ring, Round, Spooner, Springett and Mrs Stockell






1.           That the revised revenue estimates for 2017/18, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee, be agreed.

2.           That the minimum level of General Fund Balances be set at £2m for 2018/19. 

3.           That the proposed Council Tax of £252.90 at Band D for 2018/19 be agreed. 

4.           That the revenue estimates for 2018/19 incorporating the growth and savings items, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee, be agreed except that £20,000 in the budget allocation for Environmental Enforcement is deleted and reinstated in the budget for the Communication Section and that a one off amount of £20,000 is allocated to Environmental Enforcement from the 2018/19 surplus.

5.           That the Statement of Earmarked Reserves and General Fund Balances, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee, be agreed. 

6.           That the Capital Programme, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee, be agreed. 

7.           That the funding of the Capital Programme, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee, be agreed. 

8.           That the Medium Term Financial Strategy, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee, be agreed.

9.           That the Strategic Revenue Projection, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee, be endorsed as the basis for future financial planning subject to the projected surplus of £97,000 for 2018/19 being reduced to £77,000 as a consequence of the decision set out in paragraph 4 above.

10.        That it be noted that the Council’s Council Tax Base for the year 2018/19 has been calculated as 60,921.6 in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992. 

11.        That it be noted that in accordance with Government guidance the yield from business rates has been calculated as £56,621,934. 

12.        That it be noted that the individual parish area tax bases set out in Appendix B are calculated in accordance with Regulation 6 of the Regulations and are the amounts of the Council Tax Base for the year for dwellings in those parts of the Council’s area to which a special item relates.

13.        That the Council Tax requirement for the Council’s own purposes for 2018/19 (excluding Parish precepts) is £15,407,072. 

14.        That the following amounts now be calculated by the Council for the year 2018/19 in accordance with Section 32-36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 as amended by the Localism Act 2011:-  



being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils.



being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(3) of the Act.



being the amount by which the aggregate at 14(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 14(b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 32(4) of the Act as its Council Tax requirement for the year. (Item R in the formula in Section 32(4) of the Act). 



being the amount at 14(c) above (Item R), all divided by the figure stated at 10 above (Item T in the formula in section 33(1) of the Act), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 33 of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year (including Parish precepts).



being the aggregate amount of all special items (Parish precepts) referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act (as per the attached Appendix B).



being the amount at 14(d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 14(e) above by the tax base given in 10 above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no Parish precept relates. 


15.        That it be noted that for the year 2018/19 Kent County Council, the Kent Police & Crime Commissioner and the Kent & Medway Fire & Rescue Authority have stated the following amounts in precepts issued to the Council, in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:-  

Valuation Bands




















































16.        That, having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 14 (d), and 15 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30 (2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets out in Appendix C, the amounts of Council Tax for the year 2018/19 for each of the categories of dwellings shown.


17.        That the Treasury Management Strategy 2018/19 and the Treasury

Management and Prudential Indicators, outlined in Appendix A to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee, be adopted.




119.     Report of the Democracy Committee held on 14 December 2017 - Appointment of Independent Member to the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel


It was moved by Councillor Newton, seconded by Councillor Harper, that the recommendation of the Democracy Committee relating to the appointment of an Independent Person to serve on the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel be approved.


RESOLVED:  That Mr Christopher Webb be appointed as the Independent Person for the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel.



120.     Report of the Democracy Committee held on 10 January 2018 - Review of Outside Bodies


It was moved by Councillor Newton, seconded by Councillor Harper, that the recommendations of the Democracy Committee arising from the review which has been undertaken of the Council’s representation on Outside Bodies be approved.


Amendment moved by Councillor Harper, seconded by Councillor English, that the following changes be made to the Outside Bodies on the list:


Removal of Bentlif Wing Trust - As the Mayor is automatically appointed as an ex officio Trustee

Collis Millennium Green Trust – HCL Committee to appoint one High Street Ward Member

KCC Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee – CHE Committee (Chairman automatically appointed or Chairman to delegate to another Member)

Kent and Medway Civilian-Military Partnership Board – P&R Committee (Chairman automatically appointed or Chairman to delegate to another Member)

One Maidstone – P&R Committee to appoint one Member as the Liaison Group no longer exists

Rochester Bridge Trust – P&R Committee

Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board

Vinters Valley Park Trust – CHE Committee to appoint a Ward Member

Kent and Medway Police and Crime Panel – Leader automatic appointment or Leader to delegate to another Member

Kent and Medway Economic Partnership – Leader automatic appointment or Leader to delegate to another Member

West Kent Health and Wellbeing Board – Leader automatic appointment or Leader to delegate to another Member




The substantive motion was then put to the vote.






1.        That the following Outside Bodies be retained and appointed by the relevant Service Committee as listed:


Action with Communities in Rural Kent – CHE Committee

Age UK – CHE Committee

Brenchley Charity Trust – HCL Committee

Citizens’ Advice Bureau – CHE Committee

Collis Millennium Green Trust – HCL Committee to appoint one High Street Ward Member

Cutbush and Corrall – CHE Committee

KCC Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee – CHE Committee (Chairman automatically appointed or Chairman to delegate to another Member)

Kent and Medway Civilian-Military Partnership Board – P&R Committee (Chairman automatically appointed or Chairman to delegate to another Member)

Kent Community Railway Partnership – SPS&T Committee
Kent Downs AONB Joint Advisory Committee – SPS&T Committee
Local Government Association General Assembly – P&R Committee to appoint non-Voting Member (Leader automatically appointed as voting Member)

        Maidstone Area Arts Partnership – HCL Committee

        Maidstone Beauvais Twinning Association – HCL Committee

        Maidstone Cycling Forum – SPS&T Committee

        Maidstone Mediation – CHE Committee

Maidstone Quality Bus Partnership – SPS&T Committee
Maidstone Sea Cadets – HCL Committee

Medway Valley Line Steering Group – SPS&T Committee
One Maidstone – P&R Committee to appoint one Member

        PATROLAJC – SPS&T Committee

Relate West and Mid Kent – CHE Committee

Rochester Bridge Trust – P&R Committee

South East Employers – Employment Committee

South East Rail Passenger Group – SPS&T Committee

Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board– P&R Committee

Vinters Valley Park Trust – CHE Committee to appoint a Ward Member


2.     That the following Outside Bodies be retained and appointed by the
Democracy Committee:


        Allington Millennium Green Trust – Allington Ward Member

        Headcorn Aerodrome Consultative Committee – Headcorn Ward Member

Howard de Walden Centre – East and North Ward Members

Hayle Park Nature Reserve – South Ward Member

Maidstone Street Pastors – High Street Ward Member

Relief in Need Charity

Kent and Medway Police and Crime Panel – Leader automatic appointment or Leader to delegate to another Member
Kent and Medway Economic Partnership – Leader automatic appointment or Leader to delegate to another Member

        West Kent Health and Wellbeing Board – Leader automatic appointment or Leader to delegate to another Member


3.     That the following Outside Bodies be deleted:

KCC Youth and Community Charity

KCC Youth and Community Management Committee

Kent County Playing Fields Association

Maidstone Mind

Maidstone YMCA

Mid Kent Downs Steering Group


4.     That each Outside Body representative reports to the appointing Committee at least on an annual basis providing an update.

5.     That the Monitoring Officer be given delegated powers to make the necessary changes to the Constitution.

Note:  Councillor Harper left the meeting after consideration of this item (8.00 p.m.).




121.     Report of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 14 February 2018 - Strategic Plan 2015-20, 2018-19 Refresh


It was moved by Councillor Mrs Wilson, seconded by Councillor Barned, that the recommendation of the Policy and Resources Committee relating to the Strategic Plan 2015-20, 2018-19 Refresh be approved.


RESOLVED:  That the Strategic Plan 2015-20, 2018-19 Refresh, attached as Appendix A to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee, be approved.




122.     Report of the Employment Committee held on 15 February 2018 - Pay Policy Statement 2018


It was moved by Councillor Mrs Gooch, seconded by Councillor Mrs Wilson, that the recommendation of the Employment Committee relating to the Pay Policy Statement 2018 be approved.


RESOLVED:  That the Pay Policy Statement 2018, attached as Appendix B to the report of the Employment Committee, be approved for publication on the Council’s website by 31 March 2018.




123.     Notice of Motion - Introduction of Legislation to Reduce the Voting Age to 16


The following motion was moved by Councillor Clark, seconded by Councillor Harvey:


"This Council supports reducing the voting age to 16 and agrees that our worshipful Mayor should write an open letter to the Prime Minister urging her to introduce legislation to reduce the voting age to 16.”


The Mayor said that he considered it convenient and conducive to the despatch of business that the motion be dealt with at this meeting, and that a factual briefing note had been circulated.


Amendment moved by Councillor M Burton, seconded by Councillor D Burton, that the motion be amended to read:


That this Council supports reducing the voting age to 16 and agrees that the Chair of a relevant committee should write an open letter to the Prime Minister, the Secretary of State for Education and our own local MPs, urging them not just to work to bring forward legislation to reduce the voting age to 16, but also to investigate, report on and implement proper economic and political education for all.


The mover and the seconder of the motion indicated that they accepted the amendments to the motion.


The substantive motion was then put to the vote.




RESOLVEDThat this Council supports reducing the voting age to 16 and agrees that the Chair of a relevant committee should write an open letter to the Prime Minister, the Secretary of State for Education and our own local MPs, urging them not just to work to bring forward legislation to reduce the voting age to 16, but also to investigate, report on and implement proper economic and political education for all.




124.     Notice of Motion - High Speed Train Service


The following motion was moved by Councillor Adkinson, seconded by Councillor Willis:


That in light of the all-party support for the continuation of the direct high speed train service from Maidstone West to St Pancras International, this Council resolves to:


1.   Formally adopt a position of support for the continuation of the high speed train link.


2.   Ask our Members of Parliament to lobby Ministers for the service to be extended throughout the day.


The Mayor said that he considered it to be convenient and conducive to the despatch of business that the motion be dealt with at this meeting, and that a factual briefing note had been circulated.


With the agreement of the mover and the seconder, the motion was amended to read:


In light of the all-party support for the continuation of the direct high speed train services from Maidstone to London stations, this Council resolves to formally adopt a position of support for the continuation of the high speed train link and no delay to the December 18 adoption of Thames Link services to London Bridge, the City and Cambridge.


Amendment moved by Councillor D Burton, seconded by Councillor English, that the motion, as amended, be replaced by the following:


This Council resolves to:


1.     Support the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee in its continuing work in assessing proposed changes to rail services in the Borough and continue to respond to all consultations and to seek all improvements in rail services for the Borough; and


2.     Thank our Members of Parliament for their efforts in lobbying Ministers on all aspects of improving rail services in the Borough and offer our support to them in their continued efforts.


The mover and the seconder of the original motion, as amended, indicated that they accepted these changes.


The substantive motion was then put to the vote.




RESOLVEDThat this Council resolves to:


1.     Support the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee in its continuing work in assessing proposed changes to rail services in the Borough and continue to respond to all consultations and to seek all improvements in rail services for the Borough.


2.     Thank our Members of Parliament for their efforts in lobbying Ministers on all aspects of improving rail services in the Borough and offer our support to them in their continued efforts.


Note:  Councillors Harwood and B Mortimer left the meeting after consideration of this item (9.00 p.m.).




125.     Report of the Head of Policy, Communications and Governance - Review of Allocation of Seats on Committees/Membership of Committees


It was moved by Councillor Mrs Wilson, seconded by Councillor Perry, that the recommendations arising from the review which has been undertaken of the allocation of seats on Committees be approved.




1.     That the allocation of seats on Committees be as set out in Appendix 1 to the report of the Head of Policy, Communications and Governance.


2.     That the wishes of the Group Leaders with regard to the consequential changes to the membership of Committees, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report, be accepted.





126.     Report of the Head of Policy, Communications and Governance - Calendar of Meetings 2018/19


It was moved by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Brice, and


RESOLVEDThat the Calendar of Meetings 2018/19, attached as Appendix A to the report of the Head of Policy, Communications and Governance, be approved.




127.     Appointment of Mayor Select 2018/19


It was moved by Councillor English, seconded by Councillor Newton, supported by Councillors Round, Mrs Gooch and Adkinson, and


RESOLVED:  That Councillor David Naghi be appointed as Mayor Select for the Municipal Year 2018/19.




128.     Appointment of Deputy Mayor Select 2018/19


It was moved by Councillor Garland, seconded by Councillor Mrs Joy, supported by Councillors Mrs Gooch, Barned and Adkinson, and


RESOLVED:  That Councillor Marion Ring be appointed as Deputy Mayor Select for the Municipal Year 2018/19.




129.     Duration of Meeting


6.30 p.m. to 9.10 p.m.
