APPENDIX 1: Strategic CIL Bid Form


Applicant details

Name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Organisation/company: Click or tap here to enter text.

Your role: Click or tap here to enter text.

Address: Click or tap here to enter text.

Telephone: Click or tap here to enter text.

Email: Click or tap here to enter text.


Scheme eligibility

Is the scheme identified in the most recently published IDP?    YES    NO

Does the scheme align with an infrastructure type or project included in the adopted Regulation 123 List?                                                                                        

YES                NO

If yes, please identify which category the scheme falls under:

                Highways and transportation                                     

                Education provision                                                       

                Health provision                                                              

                Social and community infrastructure                      

                Public services infrastructure                                     

                Green and Blue infrastructure                                  

                Flood prevention and mitigation                              


Scheme description

Scheme title: Click or tap here to enter text.

Location/ address of scheme: Click or tap here to enter text.

Brief description/summary of proposal: (No more than 500 words) Click or tap here to enter text.

Briefly explain why the scheme is required: (No more than 500 words) Click or tap here to enter text.




Financial information

What is the total cost of the project? Please include a detailed breakdown of costs (if known) and evidence to justify the costs. If the costs are estimates please state.

Click or tap here to enter text.


How much secured funding does the project currently have?



Up to 25%                          





Will CIL funding help secure the release of additional funding for the scheme? YES NO

If yes, please provide more details Click or tap here to enter text.


Please indicate the source(s) of additional funding that has/have been secured or is/are being sought. (Source; amount; conditions attached; use by date; funding confirmed)

Click or tap here to enter text.


What is the amount requested from CIL? Click or tap here to enter text.


Please provide detail on how you would wish to receive the CIL funds e.g. a single payment or phased instalments at key scheme milestones, giving as much detail as possible. Click or tap here to enter text.


Would the scheme be fully funded if the CIL contribution is agreed?                YES         NO


If this project wasn’t given CIL, would it still go ahead?                                            YES         NO


Please provide details of any future revenue costs associated with the scheme, including approximate annual costs and for how long the revenue costs are likely to be incurred. If this is to be funded from CIL, please state if it has been included in the total project cost. If no revenue costs are anticipated, please state as such.


Additional scheme information

Who is the lead organisation for the scheme? Click or tap here to enter text.


Does your organisation have statutory responsibility for the project?            YES           NO

If no, have you sought and gained agreement from all the relevant statutory organisations? Please note that any agreement will be required from the relevant statutory organisation before any CIL funding is agreed.

YES                    NO

Please give further details of the names of each of the relevant statutory organisations and whether you have their support for the proposed scheme. Please include evidence such as a supporting letter/email from the organisation.

Click or tap here to enter text.


Is the existing infrastructure under pressure in terms of capacity and/or quality?

YES    Please explain. Click or tap here to enter text.  


N/A – (the scheme may be a new piece of infrastructure)

Has the proposed scheme arisen due to new development in the area which will need to be mitigated? Please state why?

Click or tap here to enter text.


What are the consequences of not carrying out the project?

Click or tap here to enter text.

How will the project support housing and economic development in Maidstone, as proposed in the MBLP? Please refer to specific housing/employment/mixed use sites that the infrastructure project will support and include any relevant planning application reference number(s) where appropriate.

Click or tap here to enter text.


Constraints and Risks

Please outline what constraints (if any) apply to the scheme (e.g. physical/environmental such as flood risk, contamination, biodiversity, noise; approvals of necessary consents; ownership, acquisition or CPO issues; partnership and governance issues; dependency on other projects going ahead)

Click or tap here to enter text.


Have you carried out a risk assessment of the project? If yes, please submit this with your CIL Funds Bid Form

YES                    NO


What are the risks involved in the scheme (e.g. delivery risks, financial risks, reputational risks etc.) and identify how these can be overcome.

Click or tap here to enter text.


Delivery information

Aside from funding, is the scheme ready to commence?             


NO Please outline briefly the main reasons for this Click or tap here to enter text.


Please provide further details on the programme for delivering the scheme, including start date, key milestones and completion date.

Click or tap here to enter text.



To the best of my knowledge, the information I have provided on this application form is correct.

If Maidstone Borough Council agrees to release funds for the specified scheme, these funds will be used exclusively for the purposes described. In such an event, I agree to inform the Council’s Strategic Planning Team of any material changes to the proposals set out above. When requested, I agree to provide the Council with all necessary information required for the purposes of reporting on the progress or otherwise of the identified scheme. I recognise the Council’s statutory rights as the designated CIL Charging Authority, which includes provision to reclaim unspent or misappropriated funds.


Signed: Click or tap here to enter text.   Dated: Click or tap to enter a date.