Item 1, Page 25

Item , Page 15-24





Land to the rear of Chart View, Charthill Road, Chart Sutton

Amendments to the Site Location Plan


The location plan has been amended (27.09.2017). The red line site boundary outline has been extended to include the access road on the southern boundary of the site, up to a point where it adjoins Charthill Road (Public carriageway). An amended ownership Certificate B has been submitted to supersede Certificate A, and an Article 13 Notice to owner has been served.


Late Representations


An additional letter has been received from a member of the public reiterating previous objections particularly relating to the alleged private status of the road, access and road safety issues. The writer states that access via Charthill Road would however be supported as an alternative.


An additional letter has been received from Messrs Folletts on behalf of local residents. The letter is accompanied by an 1842 Tithe Map which has been submitted to show the location of ‘ancient’ hedgerows. The letter maintains that the access road is private but does not identify the owner. The letter refers to several issues that have been identified in the report and states a need for ecological assessment.



Officer Comment


The amendment to the red-line application site boundary to include the access road, has been submitted in order to enable determination of the application in light of the alleged private status of the access road. The County Highway Authority has confirmed that their records indicate that the road is not maintainable at public expense. A private road can still however benefit from rights over it and accordingly access would be a civil and not a planning or highways matter.


As no proof of private ownership has been submitted, it is considered that the status of the road remains indeterminate and the application can be determined accordingly.


In order to comply with planning procedure the amendment will be subject to a further 21 day public consultation.


In accordance with the above, the recommendation has been amended to:


The Head of Planning and Development BE GIVEN DELEGATED POWERS TO GRANT planning permission subject to conditions and the expiry of the consultation period regarding the amended site location plan and ownership certificate and no new material issues being raised.