Urgent Update Report_16506490_37 - 39 West Street

Item 15. Pages 89-100         37-39 West Street Harrietsham, Kent

Reference number: 16/506490/FULL  

4.0 Policy and other considerations

Correction in paragraph 4.07:

The relevant policies are as follows (submission draft references given are subject to change as part of the published main modifications):

Policy SP5:  Rural service centres;

Policy DM1: Principles of good design;

Policy DM2: Sustainable design;

Policy DM3: Historic and natural environment;

Policy DM7: External lighting;

Policy DM11: Housing mix;

Policy DM12: Density of housing development;

Policy DM27: Parking standards:

6.0 Consultations Page 92 - 93

KCC Highways have confirmed they are not objecting subject to the new layby providing a minimum width of 2 metres with a minimum 1 metre pavement retained.

10.0 Recommendation

Amend condition 7 on page 99 to read as follows:

All planting, seeding and turfing specified in the approved plans shall be completed prior to occupation or in the first available planting season after occupation (October to February). Any seeding or turfing which fails to establish or any trees or plants which, within five years from the first occupation of a property, die or become so seriously damaged or diseased that their long term amenity value has been adversely affected shall be replaced in the next planting season with plants of the same species and size as detailed in the approved landscape scheme unless the local planning authority gives written consent to any variation.

Reason: In the interests of landscape, visual impact and amenity of the area and to ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development.



Amend condition 10 on Page 99 to read as follows:

Prior to occupation of the development a minimum of two electric vehicle charging points shall have been installed as part of the proposed off street parking, with the electric vehicle charging points retained permanently for that purpose.

Reason: To promote the reduction of CO2 emissions through the use of low emissions vehicles in accordance with paragraph 35 of the NPPF.

Add an additional condition 13 on page 100 as follows:

The development hereby approved shall not commence above slab level until details of all fencing, walling and other boundary treatments have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority and the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details before the first occupation of the approved dwellings and maintained thereafter.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development and to safeguard the enjoyment of their properties by existing and prospective occupiers.

Add informative on page 100 as follows:

Planning permission does not convey any approval for works within the highway for which a statutory licence must be obtained. The applicant is advised to contact Kent County Council - Highways and Transportation (web: www.kent.gov.uk/roads_and_transport.aspx or telephone: 03000 418181) in order to obtain the necessary Application Pack”.