


RECORD OF DECISION OF THE Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee



Decision Made:

4 April 2017


Report of the Head of Policy and Communications - Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee - Key Performance Indicators 2017-18


Issue for Decision


To agree which key performance indicators are reported to this Committee in 2017-18.


Decision Made


1)   That the following Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicators be agreed for the Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee for 2017-18.


Respecting the Character and Heritage of our Borough


Percentage of Parishes that are satisfied with the level of communication and engagement they have with MBC


Performance against our Parish Charter commitment


Ensuring there are Good Leisure and Cultural Attractions


Number of children taking part in formal education activities on and off site at the Museum


Footfall at the Museum 


Usage at the Leisure Centre


Usage at the Hazlitt Theatre


Festival, event and parks income target


Use of parks and open spaces – annual assessment


Contacts (footfall, calls and emails) to the VIC


2)   That an annual report is brought to this Committee, at the same time as the Annual Monitoring Report is brought to the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee, regarding the:


·         Number of neighbourhood plans


·         Conservation area appraisals


·         Conservation management plans adopted


·         Together with the register of our listed buildings and how many of them are currently at risk.


Background Papers




Should you wish to refer this decision to the Policy and Resources Committee, please submit a Decision Referral Form, signed by three Councillors, to the Head of Policy and Communications by: 20 April 2017







RECORD OF DECISION OF THE Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee



Decision Made:

4 April 2017


Report of the Head of Regeneration and Economic Development - Disposal of Land at Richmond Way, South Ward


Issue for Decision


To decide whether to declare the open space at Richmond Way surplus to requirements.


Decision Made


1)   That the Committee considers that the open space on Richmond Way, outlined in blue and red on the attached plan in Appendix I, as surplus to requirements subject to a 3 metre buffer strip being retained.


2)    That the Committee authorises the placing of a Public Notice pursuant of Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972.


Background Papers




Should you wish to refer this decision to the Policy and Resources Committee, please submit a Decision Referral Form, signed by three Councillors, to the Head of Policy and Communications by: 20 April 2017







RECORD OF DECISION OF THE Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee



Decision Made:

4 April 2017


Report of the Head of Regeneration and Economic Development - Disposal of Land Adjacent to the Gallagher Stadium, North Ward



Issue for Decision


To decide whether to declare the open space adjacent to the Gallagher Stadium as surplus to requirements.


Decision Made


That the committee does not declare the open space adjacent to the Gallagher Stadium, as outlined in red on the attached plan as Appendix 1, as surplus to operational requirements but asks officers to further investigate the possibility of a licence with the club.



Background Papers




Should you wish to refer this decision to the Policy and Resources Committee, please submit a Decision Referral Form, signed by three Councillors, to the Head of Policy and Communications by: 20 April 2017







RECORD OF DECISION OF THE Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee



Decision Made:

4 April 2017


Report of the Head of Regeneration and Economic Development - Phase 3 Public Realm


Issue for Decision


To make recommendations to the Policy and Resource Committee regarding the latest proposals for the Phase 3 Public Realm project.


Decision Made


That Policy and Resources Committee be recommended to:


1)   Approve the change in scope from the original proposed project, to now include the southern end of Week Street.

2)   Approve the outline designs for all of Week Street and Gabriel’s Hill/Lower Stone Street with the exception of the suggested palette of tree species which do not comply with document HAP12; Urban Green Space.  In addition the 4 Ginkgo Biloba at the bottom of Gabriel’s Hill which should be removed and replaced with trees native to South East England as per HAP 12: Urban Green Space.

3)   Approve the proposed materials for hard landscaping only for Week Street and Gabriel’s Hill/Lower Stone Street.

4)   Approve the additional capital budget of £900k to cover the increased costs for the southern section of Week Street.

5)   Approve the proposed consultation materials and methodology.



Background Papers




Should you wish to refer this decision to the Policy and Resources Committee, please submit a Decision Referral Form, signed by three Councillors, to the Head of Policy and Communications by: 20 April 2017







RECORD OF DECISION OF THE Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee





Decision Made:

4 April 2017


Report of the Head of Regeneration and Economic Development - A Sustainable Future for Mote Park Update


Issue for Decision


To approve the progression of the following projects within the Sustainable Future for Mote Park Programme:-


·         Car Park Charging

·         Adventure Zone

·         Mote Park Centre


Decision Made


1)   Car Park Charging:

a)   That the Committee approve that the Parking Services Manager amend the Off-Street Parking Places Order to vary the car park tariff for parking for up to 6 hours from £1 to £2, to meet the budget and in response to peak demand, and to invest £250,000 in additional parking provision.


2)   Adventure Zone:

a)   That the Committee approve a revised total cost of £1,150,000 for the Adventure Zone.

b)   That the Committee invest of a further £300k in non-income producing improvements to the park (from the existing Capital Programme) within an existing contract as detailed in the report.

c)   That the Committee delegate authority to the Head of Regeneration and Economic Development to undertake a procurement process for a contractor for the Adventure Zone and other improvements in line with the Contract Procedure Rules.

d)   That the Committee delegate authority to the Director of Finance and Business Improvement to award the contract to the successful bidders for the construction of Adventure Zone in line with the Contract procedure Rules, following a briefing with the chair of the Heritage Culture and Leisure Committee on the procurement process and outcome.

e)   That the Committee delegate authority to the Head of Mid Kent Legal Services to enter into contracts and any other necessary agreements for the construction of the Adventure Zone.


3)   Mote Park Centre:

a)   That the Committee approve a revised total scheme cost of £1.75m for the Visitor Centre.

b)   That the Committee invest of a further £625k in non-income producing improvements to the park (from the existing Capital Programme) as detailed in the report under the same contract.

c)   That the Committee delegate authority to the Head of Regeneration and Economic Development to undertake a procurement process for an architect and other professional services and appoint to these contracts in line with the Contract Procedure Rules.

d)   That the Committee delegate authority to the Director of Finance and Business to award the contract to the successful bidders for the construction of the Mote Park Centre in line with the Contract Procedure Rules, following a briefing with the chair of the Heritage Culture and Leisure Committee on the procurement process and outcome.

e)   That the Committee delegate authority to the Head of Mid Kent Legal Services to enter into contracts and any other necessary agreements for the construction of the Mote Park Centre.


Background Papers




Should you wish to refer this decision to the Policy and Resources Committee, please submit a Decision Referral Form, signed by three Councillors, to the Head of Policy and Communications by: 20 April 2017

















Issue for Decision




Decision Made




Background Papers



















Issue for Decision




Decision Made




Background Papers