Appendix A

Annual Governance Statement 2017-18 – Action Plan Update

Governance Issue



Develop a clear and consistent strategic narrative with agreed vision and priorities

The Strategic Plan will be revised one year ahead of schedule to ensure that the review of the Local Plan flows from an up to date agreed strategic vision



All day workshop held in June


Series of follow up workshops in August


12 priorities distilled into 8 with a  draft vision in September


Consultation with Service Committees and Stakeholders in October


Strategic Plan Vision, Outcomes and Objectives on track for Council in December

Audit Reviews with weak assurance:

·         Accounts receivable (focussed on debt recovery)

·         Procurement (focussed on small to medium contracts)

·         Land charges (focussed on controls between partner authorities)


Recommended actions implemented

These audit reviews have now been rated as sound.

Stress Survey

Implement actions arising from the stress survey results to improve organisational resilience


Presentation of results to Unit Managers and Staff Forum


Team Talk rolled out to all staff on the stress survey results and actions


Team Talk rolled out to all staff on inappropriate behaviour


Training for managers on managing resilience in teams


Mental Health First Aider training underway





Housing Pressures Continue to Increase






Project Failure – failure of significant capital projects of a housing and regeneration nature



Financial Restrictions – The Council does not achieve its income or savings targets or does not have the funding to meet standards or deliver aims.


Data Protection Compliance




PCI compliance





Homelessness Strategy


Closer working with the private sector

In house housing management team


Detailed and consistent analysis of project risks at committee approval stage



MTFS adopted

Lobbying to avoid council suffering from negative RSG





Implement the GDPR action plan




Completion of compliance project to ensure the council is fully compliant





No change to risk rating


CLT receive a monthly update on the service.




No change to risk rating






No change to risk rating

MTFS is on track







No change to risk rating

Action plan has been progressed



Project has been completed and council is PCI compliant.