Strategic Planning, Sustainability & Transportation Committee

6th November 2018

Urgent Update


Item 20 – Tonbridge & Malling Local Plan Regulation 19 consultation

1.         The T&M Local Plan allocates the site ‘Land off Oakapple Lane, Barming’ for 118 dwellings.  The site is immediately abuts the borough boundary, which crosses the field diagonally, and the housing allocation in the Maidstone Borough Local Plan H1(4)  - Oakapple Lane, Barming for 187 dwellings.  The eastern part of the H1(4) site was granted outline consent for 80 dwellings in 2013.  The western extreme of the field (within the Maidstone boundary) is allocated as open space.

It is recommended the following representation be added to the responses in Appendix 1.


LP25 – Housing allocations overview




The T&M Local Plan allocates the site ‘Land off Oakapple Lane, Barming’ for 118 dwellings.  The site is immediately adjacent to the boundary with Maidstone borough and the housing allocation in the Maidstone Borough Local Plan H1(4)  - Oakapple Lane, Barming which is allocated for 187 dwellings.


The TM local plan does not include a specific policy for this site; the site is simply listed in Policy LP25 and the site outlined on the policies map. It is not apparent from the available documentation how the site will be accessed and specifically whether access is required through the sites in Maidstone borough in 3rd party ownership and, if so, how this will be achieved.  Without this confirmation, the site is undeliverable. Indeed, The Strategic Land Availability Assessment concludes that the site is undeliverable for this reason (site 212).


The MBLP policy H1(4) includes specific requirements with respect to enhancing the hedgerow along the southern boundary, noise attenuation measures in respect of the operations at Hermitage Quarry plus contributions to requisite highway improvements at M20 J5, Coldharbour roundabout, the Tonbridge Road/Fountain Lane junction and the 20/20 roundabout and contributions to a circular bus route.


These same issues will apply to the T&M site and currently there no policy surety that they will be addressed in conjunction with the site’s development.  MBC is particularly concerned that the highway improvements are specified out so that there is no debate that contributions will be required.


Soundness: if the requisite infrastructure requirements are not identified and the means of access is not demonstrably achievable, there is a risk that the plan will not be deliverable and thereby fail to be EFFECTIVE. If the plan fails to specify measures to mitigate the visual and amenity implications of the development it could be INCONSISTENT with the 2012 NPPF’s core principle of securing high quality design and a good standard of amenity for all existing and future occupants of land and buildings.


Modification requested

That the plan be modified to include a specific site allocation for this site which confirms the access arrangements and the mitigation measures which will be delivered with development, in particular the specific highways schemes which the development will contribute to, and the visual and amenity mitigation measures which will be required.



2.         Appendix 1 contains a representation to Policy LP20 – Air Quality.  It is recommended that the representation be amended to include specific concerns about the air quality implications for Hermitage Lane and the A26/Fountain Lane junction in particular.