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Communities, Housing and Environment Committee




Outside Body Report


Outside Body

Cutbush and Corrall

Councillor(s) represented on the Outside Body

Clive English

Denise Joy

Report Author

Clive English

Date of Outside Body Meeting Attended

23rd January and 11th March



Purpose of the Outside Body:

To provide affordable housing for residents of Maidstone aged over 55 years of Age





The Almshouse Charity has now largely completed a substantial programme of repairs and upgrades including improving energy efficiency and is now contemplating a further programme of ongoing maintenance. It is also now actively pursuing an aim of producing additional housing and is undertaking work to bring forward proposals.


An additional recent focus has also been working on improving resident engagement via social activities and Trustee Surgeries. 


Almshouse provision is one of the few ways that genuinely affordable housing on a long-term basis can be offered in this day and age and it is therefore important that MBC through its appointed members both Councillors and otherwise continue to support the organisation.